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Project “Butzi”

Dave from Butzigear has always wanted to beautify his beloved Mk3. Dave has had this vehicle since he was young, sold it then repurchased years later. One day while Dave was refueling, a driver backed into his Jetta on the left side causing significant distortion within the quarter panel and door. Dave originally hired us to repair the damage and try to be sympathetic during repair to maintain the over all patina existing. Shortly after metal work and filler repairs Dave couldn’t resist and called for a full respray! I was both baffled and excited! Dave, I thought you’d never ask!

Shortly after the scope change, I started disassembly. Interior, exterior trims and glass was all removed within a day. I sent an update photo to Dave and he claims his heart sank! lol. He knew his baby was in good hands however nobody likes to see their pride and joy torn up into pieces!

We then started removing the existing finish. Brought back all exterior panels to metal so we can start from ground up. You don’t build a house from the roof to foundation. So removing the finish and starting from bare substrate was the best option for Dave’s new finish. We can now assess metal, and assure the finish lives a lifetime.

Some images to current state

We then placed Dave’s mk3 on a jig bench. This will allow us to set Dave’s chassis in plane. Front to back within 1mm. This is huge for when we begin panel gapping and bringing panels to plane. Vehicle on bench in above photos.

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